
Mobipocket 사전 만드는 법

python이 필요하구나아...;;

How to create your own mobipocket dictionary for any language:

I was very gratefull to Adam B for porting the Stardict dictonary tool for the Iliad, but I allways longed for the kind of instant lookup, which is possible from mobipocket. Unfortunately mobipocket dictionaries are not available for more exotic languages, so I allways wanted to create my own mobipocket dictionaries. It seems I have now found a solution:

First you need to get hold of a tab delimited dictionary file. (example. dictionary.txt)

(Stardict dictionary files are available from: http://stardict.sourceforge.net/Dictionaries.php
These can be converted into a tab delimited file by the stardict editor programe, which you can find here: http://stardict.sourceforge.net/other.php )

Once you have such a file, use tab2opf.py from http://www.klokan.cz/projects/stardict-lingea/
This is a free python script by Petr Klokan, so you’ll need python isntalled.

Type tab2opf.py dictionary.txt into the command line to run the script.

This will give you a dictionary.opf file, and a number of dictionary0.html files

Edit the dictionary.opf file, to specify the name of the dictionary, and the impot output languages.

Get mobigen.exe form - http://www.mobipocket.com/soft/prcgen/mobigen.zip

Extract mobigen exe

Run mobigen.exe dictionary.opf

If you did everything right, you’ll get dictionary.mobi which’ll be the desired mobipocket dictionary.




모비포켓 공식 매뉴얼

1 comment:

http://wagnerian.new21.org said...

trackback from: tab2mobi 0.0.1 - Mobipocket 사전 만들기
tab2mobi.zip 일단 요 링크를 참고하시고요: http://irexiliad.textcube.com/99 tab2opf.py 파일이 한글을 깨먹어서 연구 끝에 방법을 찾아냈습니다. 다음은 설명서 전문: tab2mobi 0.0.1 (c) 김원철 http://wagnerian.new21.org tab2mobi.cmd 사용법 (1) BeeLiner를 설치한다: http://wing4bee.tistory.com (2) BeeLiner가 설치된 폴더에..